Why the strange name? If you were an astronomy student of days gone by, you probably learned stellar classification by the mnemonic ‘Oh Be A Fine Guy/Girl Kiss Me’. With the bluest stars on the left of the mnemonic and the reddest on the right. It was easy, and, for many of us, learning that mnemonic was where it all started.

OBAFGKM specializes in the development of optical systems for solar system research. The Raspberry Pi Meteor System (RMS) is just one such project that we contribute to by designing and building camera systems that will be deployed across North America.  We also have experience working with ‘planetary defense’ projects, low-cost observatories for occultation work, and geophysical exploration. Our main focus at the moment, however, is increasing global coverage of the Global Meteor Network through RMS DIY instructions, meteor education, and sales of complete RMS systems.

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